"Lily's Room"

This is an article collection between June 2007 and December 2018. Sometimes I add some recent articles too.

Materials from NECF Malaysia

Today I received two books and one CD set from NECF Malaysia.  
 ・Educational Challenges in the Malaysian Society: A Christian Response, 1991.
This is a collection of seven papers presented at a seminar organized by the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship on 18 May 1991 in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
NECF Malaysia 20th Anniversary Celebrating 20 years of God’s Faithfulness, Quest for Spiritual Perfection―The Malaysian Church Agenda, June 2002.
This is a souvenir booklet describing a short history of the NECF Malaysia starting from a humble beginning of 41 Christians to over 2,500 membership.
Transforming the Nation through the local Church: An Evangelical Voice of the Malaysian Church since 1982 , 2002.

All of these seem to be interesting. For a foreign researcher like me, these kinds of materials are precious sources to deepening his/her own understanding as to how the Malaysian Christians think about their country.

Evangelicals in Malaysia are indeed influenced by the American Evangelicals, but at the same time we should bear in mind that there are said to be more professionals and intellectuals among those Evangelicals in Malaysia.

I am looking forward to reading the books and listening to the CD.