"Lily's Room"

This is an article collection between June 2007 and December 2018. Sometimes I add some recent articles too.

NECF Letter on Merdeka

NECF Malaysia http://www.necf.org.my
NECF Letter to the Churches on Merdeka Day
Date: 23rd August, 2010

Dear Pastor / Elder / Church Leader,

On August 31, 2010 (Tuesday), our country celebrates our 53rd. Merdeka Day. As a nation we are not old and neither are we young. By right we should be in celebration mood but this year we have moved the focus of our celebration to Malaysia Day on September 16 to identity with our East Malaysian brethren. This is the day when Malaysia was formed.

Therefore, NECF as a national organization will not be having our annual Merdeka Prayer Rally. However, we encourage the churches in both West and East Malaysia to celebrate and pray for the nation at your Sunday service on 29th August, 2010. Let this Merdeka Day be a time for review and reflection. Let us ask ourselves where the nation has gone wrong and how we can improve ourselves as good citizens and move on towards living for a common destiny.

As a guide, we have listed the prayer items below. Let us continue to uphold this nation and pray for God's divine purpose to be fulfilled in our generation and the generations to come.

Presently Malaysia is being gripped with racial and religious tension that is threatening to tear the nation apart. Often they are used by irresponsible parties to keep the different communities divided. Pray that their ploy will fail and that unity and harmony to prevail.
Inequality always breeds strive and discontentment. Certain communities preferred others while more deserving ones are marginalized. Instead of working together to enlarge and to share the economic pie, communities are striving with each other over who should get more. Pray for equality to be established and for the spirit of generosity and security to overcome the spirit of greed and fear.
The economy is loosing much foreign direct investment because of the way our economy is managed. Without these FDIs, our economy will cease to grow or contract. Pray for leaders who will dare to confront our economic weaknesses and excessiveness and for the government to have the courage to make the necessary changes to revitalize our economy.
Open dialog is often muzzled with the excuse of sensitivities and threats of racial riots. Serious issues affecting our nation are being ignored because of the fear of racial tensions. But are these fears real or created by certain quarters for their own political gain? Pray for all communities to be bold to reject these threats as real. Instead pray that they may acquire the sensibilities and maturity to have honest and open dialog for the unity and progress of the nation.
The quality of leadership in this nation has deteriorated instead of progress. The values and characters once possessed by the founding leaders of this nation is very much absent in the present day leadership. Pray that the values and characteristics of the past leaders be restored in our present day leadership. The values of understanding, mutual respect, humility, consensus, accommodation, generosity, integrity, etc.
Serving Him,
Samuel Ang
NECF Secretary-General