"Lily's Room"

This is an article collection between June 2007 and December 2018. Sometimes I add some recent articles too.

Islamic ‘Bible’ and currency

Worldwide Religious News (http://wwrn.org)
(1) Islamic publishing house releases 'forged Bible,' angering church
dpa ("EarthTimes," August 19, 2010)

Cairo, Egypt - An Islamic publishing house in Egypt has published what is says is a "forged" version of the Christian Bible, angering the local Coptic Church, independent daily al-Masry al-Youm reported Thursday.

The owner of the Islamic Enlightenment Publishing House, Abuislam Abdullah, wrote in the introduction that the reason behind the book's publication was to prove that there are several versions of the bible and that Christians had forged theirs.

Abdullah claims that the version he published was written before the Book of Genesis, the Christian Old Testament.

The Coptic Church says it is extremely offended by the publication of this book, and is considering filing a complaint with Egypt's Attorney General, al-Masry al-Youm reported.

Relations between Coptic Christians, who make up around 10 per cent of the population, and the Egyptian state and Muslim majority are often tense.

The head of the Coptic Church, Pope Shenouda III, told followers earlier this week that the state was wiretapping their calls and that they should not confess sins over the phone.

Violent clashes have taken place in several areas of the country between Muslims and Christians over the past year.

(2) Malaysian state led by Muslim party introduces gold, silver coins as Islamic currency(AP, August 18, 2010)

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - A Malaysian state's attempt to revive use of gold and silver coins common in early Islamic societies has run afoul of the country's central bank, which said Friday that local governments have no authority to issue their own currency.

The northeastern state of Kelantan began circulating the gold dinar and silver dirham coins last week as an alternative to the ringgit, the main currency of the majority-Muslim country. The state is governed by the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, a conservative opposition group that promotes religious policies in its rule.

The gold dinar was the official currency of Muslim societies for centuries. The value of the coins used in Kelantan can fluctuate according to market prices, but officials say it remains a better alternative to currency affected by the U.S. dollar and other foreign currency.

Kelantan authorities also say the use of such coins is encouraged in the Quran.

The bank said it "has the sole right under the law to issue currency in Malaysia." It was not immediately clear how the bank planned to block the use of the coins for transactions.
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