"Lily's Room"

This is an article collection between June 2007 and December 2018. Sometimes I add some recent articles too.

Catholic Asian News

Today I received the latest issue of Catholic Asian News (October 2007, Vol.36, No.10) from Malaysia. The most important article I think is ‘Reflection: On Merdeka’ (pp. 26-29). I reproduce here some relevant parts from the article. (Lily)

Deterioration of Race Relations

When we were young, we had friends from all races. We studied, played, ate and even prayed together. We cherish the pleasant time we had together as children. Those who performed well in examinations were allowed entry into local public universities without fuss. We worked hard to help bring the country to the present elevated state but unfortunately today we are now being seen as threats to the very institution we strived for. We are repeatedly reminded that we are kaum pendatang (immigrants). It is ironical that our forefathers who actually came from elsewhere did not feel they were kaum pendatang but we and our children born and bred here are constantly reminded so. In fact many among us had never set foot on another land, how can we be kaum pendatang?
Today our children do not have real friends from other races. They are only Comfortable mingling with those from their own community. They are fast losing the skills of inter-communal communication that came so naturally to our forefathers.
Although we are legitimate citizens, paying taxes, we are denied our tights to education at public institutions, civil service, armed forces and government-linked businesses. We are being increasingly marginalized from the mainstream of development. The Federal Constitution is being ignored and our rights enshrined in that sacred document are blatantly denied.

Increasing Islamisation

In recent times even our freedom of worship is being impeded. Millions of taxpayers’ money is spent on building mosques, surau (prayer house) and religious schools but a negligible amount allocated to the building of churches
and kuil (temples). Not only we are not allowed to erect places of worship but even existing such places are demolished indiscriminately.
Lately there has been a number of incidences indicating that we are moving towards a fundamental Islamic State―Islamic syariah laws are slowly being implemented even to cover the non-Muslims. This is causing anxiety and uneasiness among the non-Muslims who form a significant 40 per cent of the population.

Politicisation of Religion
We have already come to accept the special privileges of the bumiputras, Islam as the official religion and Bahasa Malaysia as the official language. These are already non-issues today and we have to go ahead from here, not bring back the past to create uneasiness and tension among the people.

True Independence

A truly independent nation should fulfil(sic) the aspirations of all her citizens alike. No distinction should be made based on ethnicity, religion, political alienation or socio-economic status. It must meet the following criteria:

1. A parliamentary form of government based upon the concept of one person, one vote. All groups must be proportionately represented.
2. Rights of minorities must be assured. Their language culture ad religion should be respected. There is a need to emphasise on universal moral values that are shared by all.
3. The rule of law must be upheld at all costs. All disputes must be dealt with fairly without prejudice of favouritism. An independent police force and judiciary are of utmost importance.
4. Eradication of poverty should be above race and religion. The poor from all communities should be equally entitled to special assistance.
5. True meritocracy to be employed in the recruitment to the public service, Police and armed forces.
There has been progressive erosion of these rights over the years which have resulted in the disruption of racial integration, increasing Islamisation, marginalisation of minorities.

In short he needs to be treated as a legitimate citizen and not a stranger or alien in his own land―the kaum pendatang. Until these can be achieved, Merdeka will not have any meaning for the ordinary man on the street.
