"Lily's Room"

This is an article collection between June 2007 and December 2018. Sometimes I add some recent articles too.

Israel championed at the UN

As for this topic, please refer to my previous posting (http://d.hatena.ne.jp/itunalily2/20160616). The author and I joined the same tour group when we travelled in Tel Aviv, Negev, Gaza border, Eilat, and Jerusalem last year. "Lukid" in the title below was a small typo. The author recognized it. (Lily)
Family Security Matters(http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/)

The King of Lukid wins. Israel championed the Arab shun at the United Nations.
by Darlene Casella
21 June 2016

The State of Israel became the 59th member of the United Nations in 1949.
History was made this month when Israeli Ambassador Danny Danon was elected to head the United Nations Legal Committee. This is the first time that Israel will head one of the 6 Permanent Committees. It oversees issues related to International Law and Terrorism; and reports directly to the General Assembly with draft resolutions that are subsequently submitted for vote to the 193 member states.
Arab and Muslim-majority countries protested Israel's candidacy for this major leadership role. Opponents called for a vote, and ballots were secret. Danon was elected with 109 "ayes "of the 175 members that voted. Sweden was runner up with 10 votes.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation; and Yemen, which leads the Arab Group at the UN, called for a protest of the election; and 57 Muslim states officially opposed Israel; but failed to thwart the Israeli victory.
Ambassador Danon called the Arab countries trying to block his nomination a "pitiful moment". "I am proud to be the first Israeli elected to this position. Israel is a world leader in international law and in fighting terrorism. We are pleased to have the opportunity to share our knowledge with the countries of the world."
Amid rumors that some Arab countries secretly voted in favor of Israel, Danon said that he "Recognizes the importance of the 109 countries that voted with Israel. Those who tried to block our appointment would be well advised to take note of the jurisdiction of this committee, as they have much to learn about international law."
The United States, Canada and Mexico are strong allies of Israel. She has formal peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. In Africa 40 states that are not members of the Arab League have diplomatic relations with Israel. There are formal diplomatic relations with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Maldives, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan; and she maintains diplomatic, commercial and cultural ties with 157 countries around the world.
Danny Danon was previously a member of the Knesset for Likud, Minister of Science, Technology and Space, and Deputy Minister of Defense. He was active against Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's disengagement plan for Gaza. Danon is called the King of Likud. The Likud Party is ideologically opposed to territorial pullbacks.
West Bank settlements and uninhabited areas should be annexed by Israel, is the position that Danon published in 2011. He has written that for every missile that falls in Israel's southern towns, a retaliation of deleting a neighborhood in Gaza should result. In 2014 he advocated cutting off all electricity and fuel supplies to GAZA to induce Hamas into a ceasefire.
Israeli's who are skeptical about the peace process, who are skeptical about the issue of a Palestinian State in Israel's backyard; and who have not forgotten about what happened when Gaza was evacuated; are his backers. He will not accept any deal that matches the international communities expectations for a two state solution based on 1967 borders and a divided Jerusalem.
Secretary of State John Kerry, President Francesois Hollande, and 26 world diplomats met in Paris this month to formulate plans to force Israel and the Palestinians to make peace. Throwing them out of the sandbox, Israeli and Palestinian officials asked Egyptian President Adbel Al Sisi to assume the lead role on initiatives to solve the conflict.
President Obama, John Kerry and western leaders seem deaf to the fact that "peace talks" have continuously failed since 2000.
President Bill Clinton, President Ariel Sharon, and Yasser Arafat formulated a peace deal at Camp David, but Arafat walked away from it. Clinton said, "Arafat missed the opportunity for a lasting peace." Ambassador Dennis Ross wrote, "Arafat wanted a one state solution without an adjacent Israel...a single Arab state."
The Arab Palestinian goal has not changed. They call for the total destruction of the Jewish State, and for Arab Palestinian borders to be from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. This is what the post Arafat Palestinian maps show, with no Israel.
Bombs and rockets continue to be launched into Israel. Terrorist tunnels are dug from Gaza into southern Israel for the purpose of killing and kidnapping. Arab Palestinian children are taught hatred and killing of Jews. Israel protects itself with Iron Dome and other defense methods.
Ambassador Danny Danon has said "We will not allow dictatorships and anti Israel countries to harm our standing in the international community." Successes during his short time at the United Nations; is proving him to be a man of his word.
Winston Churchill said, "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something in your life."
Ambassador Danny Danon unquestionably stands up for something in his life.
・Darlene Casella was, before her retirement, an English teacher, a stockbroker, and president/owner of a small corporation. She lives in La Quinta, California, and can be reached at darlenecasella@msn.com