"Lily's Room"

This is an article collection between June 2007 and December 2018. Sometimes I add some recent articles too.

Genizah and Al-Aqsa preach

The first article on Genizah reminds me of a passionate review by Dr. Daniel Pipes published in Fall 2011(http://www.danielpipes.org/10317/sacred-trash). As for the Palestinian Media Watch, please refer to my previous postings(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/itunalily2/20130531)(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/itunalily2/20130830)(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/itunalily2/20140512)(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/itunalily2/20141119)(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/itunalily2/20150220). (Lily)

A genizah is an area in a synagogue or Jewish cemetery where sacred texts that are in disuse are stored. Traditionally, a text is considered sacred if it’s got the name of God written on it, whether in a liturgical form or simply in a greeting like “Praise Be to the Almighty” written at the top of a letter. The most famous genizah was in Cairo at the Ben Ezra synagogue. It held documents dating to the 9th century; those documents helped scholars piece together what life was like for Jews in the middle ages. Until fairly recently, people who studied genizah fragments mostly looked at the Hebrew or Aramaic, piecing together documents to figure out what they could about the Jewish community. Marina Rustow instead has been looking at the long-neglected Arabic scribblings in the margins and on the backs of such documents.
Rustow, a professor of history and Near Eastern Studies at Princeton, had a hunch that deciphering the Arabic bits and pieces would reveal something about what life was like under the rule of the Fatimid Empire, a dynasty whose archives, such as they were, did not survive the centuries intact. Her painstaking efforts have paid off—not just in terms of scholarly discovery, but also in terms of professional accolades. Just two weeks ago, Rustow was named a MacArthur Fellow, which brings with it an award of $625,000.
She joins Vox Tablet host Sara Ivry from her home in Philadelphia to discuss the unique skill set that makes her good at her job, the correspondence that has given a sense of personality to particular historical figures, and what she plans to do with her windfall.
Vox Tablet is Tablet Magazine's weekly podcast, hosted by Sara Ivry and produced by Julie Subrin.
2.Palestinian Media Watch Bulletinshttp://www.palwatch.org/
Al-Aqsa preacher: Jews worship the Devil, will be exterminated by Muslims
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
18 October 2015
Jews will worship the Devil
and then be exterminated by Muslims
who will live in comfort

In his lesson in the Al-Aqsa Mosque this week, Palestinian preacher of Islam Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi taught that Jews are destined to build a Temple outside the area of the Temple Mount, where they will worship the Devil. At the End of Time, Muslims will seek out the Jews everywhere and exterminate them all. The Sheikh also referred to the well-known Hadith foretelling that one day Jews will hide from Muslims, but the rock and the tree will call out: "O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him":

Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi, teaches Islam twice a week in the Al-Aqsa Mosque: "The Children of Israel will be forced - they will not concede - they will be forced to change their plans to build the Temple inside the structure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and will have to build it outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque... A Temple of heresy to worship the Devil. Why? Because the Anti-Christ won't appear unless this Temple is built and the Devil is worshipped there... [At the End of Days] we will follow the Jews everywhere. They will not escape us. They will not be able to escape us. The rock and tree will speak, according to the Hadith (tradition) of the Prophet [Muhammad]... and it is a reliable promise from the Prophet according to which the tree and the rock will speak and say: 'O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' The Children of Israel will all be exterminated, the Anti-Christ will be killed and the Muslims will live in comfort for a long time."
[Al-Msjed Al-Aqsa YouTube channel, Oct. 16, 2015]

Palestinian Media Watch has reported on this preacher's many other Antisemitic sermons in the mosque in which he has incited hatred of Jews. Ultimately, it led to his arrest and interrogation by Israeli police.

The PA Mufti has also referred to the Hadith with the rock and the tree and applied it to a modern setting, promising the extermination of the Jews by Muslims.