"Lily's Room"

This is an article collection between June 2007 and December 2018. Sometimes I add some recent articles too.

Passover and its meaning

Worldwide Religious News(http://wwrn.org/articles/44298/)
(1)Anti-Semitism in US spikes after nearly a decade of decline
by Lauren Markoe ("The Washington Post," March 31, 2015)
WASHINGTON (RNS) Anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S. spiked 21 percent last year, according to the Anti-Defamation League, unsettling many American Jews who had thought that hatred of Jews and Judaism was on the decline, at least here at home.
The ADL has released a spring report that, for nearly the past 10 years, showed fewer incidents targeting American Jews. That downward trend contrasted sharply to the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe — recently witnessed in the January killings of four Jews at a kosher supermarket in Paris.
“The United States still continues to be unique in history” as a safe place for Jews, said Abraham Foxman, the ADL’s national director.
But this new ADL report casts a shadow on the idea that the U.S., which is home to about 40 percent of the world’s Jews, stands in stark contrast to European anti-Semitism and far higher levels of antipathy against Jews in the Middle East, as reflected in studies of anti-Semitic attitudes worldwide.
“It’s still different here than anywhere else, but don’t take anything for granted, and be concerned,” Foxman said.
The ADL counted 912 incidents in 2014, up from 751 the previous year.
The report includes assaults, vandalism and harassment targeting Jews, Jewish property and institutions that were reported to ADL’s 27 regional offices and to law enforcement. It shows 36 assaults, up from 31 in 2013; 363 incidents of vandalism in 2014, compared with 315 in 2013; and 513 incidents of threats and harassment in 2014, contrasted with 405 in 2013.
Though the report does not consider anti-Zionist or anti-Israel expressions (unless they cross the line into anti-Semitism), ADL researchers nonetheless correlate the rise in anti-Semitism to last summer’s 50-day war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. During the war, for example, a vandal in Malibu, Calif., painted “Jews=Killers” and “Jews are Killing Innocent Children” near the entrance to a Jewish summer camp last July. Another vandal spray-painted “Free Palestine” and “God Bless Gaza” in red on a synagogue in Lowell, Mass.
Those were among the 139 anti-Semitic incidents reported in July 2014, more than double the 51 reported incidents for the same month a year earlier.
The ADL also called 2014 a particularly violent year that included the fatal shootings at a Jewish community center in Overland Park, Kan.
READ: White supremacist, charged with killing three at a Jewish center, heads to court
Separately from ADL, Moment magazine editor Nadine Epstein launched a campaign this week to combat anti-Semitism by encouraging more Jews to invite non-Jews to their Passover seders, or ritual meals, where the story of the ancient Israelites’ escape from slavery in Egypt is retold.
The idea sparked some controversy among some traditional Jews because a strict interpretation of Jewish law actually forbids non-Jews at seders, which will be held on Friday and Saturday this year (April 3 and 4). The prohibition, which is rarely observed or even known by many Jews, stems from a rabbinic opinion that Jews should not cook for those who do not observe the laws of the holiday.
“If every family does this, some six million non-Jews will experience a Seder this year, and at the very least taste traditional Passover foods and learn of their significance — not to mention gain an invaluable window into Jewish life and values, and a better understanding of the connection Jews feel to the land of Israel,” she wrote in the New York Post.

・Disclaimer: WWRN does not endorse or adhere to views or opinions expressed in the articles posted. This is purely an information site, to inform interested parties of religious trends.
(2) Passover: Important to American Jews, but Not Nearly as Important as Yom Kippur
by Joanna Piacenza ("Public Religion Research Institute," April 1, 2015)
A plurality (43 percent) of American Jews said Yom Kippur, the “Day of Atonement,” is the most important Jewish holiday to them personally. This is according to PRRI’s 2012 Jewish Values Survey, which, among other questions, asked Americans who identify as Jewish what the most important Jewish holiday is to them personally.
In a distant second place by 18 percentage points is Passover (25 percent)—known to the Jewish community as Pesach—which begins this Friday. The weeklong spring holiday marks the freeing of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Passover usually begins with a Seder, a festive meal during which Jews retell the story of the exodus from Egypt. Although Passover does not receive the same interest as Yom Kippur, most Jewish Americans (68 percent) plan to participate in a Passover Seder, while 27 percent say they will not participate.
Only 10 percent of American Jews said that Hanukkah is the most important holiday; another 10 percent say the same of Rosh Hashanah.
There are some differences among the three main Jewish denominations—Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox—on the relative importance of the holidays, with all ranking Yom Kippur ahead of Passover in importance. However, those with no denominational affiliation who identify as “just Jewish” are about equally as likely to judge Passover (26 percent), as Yom Kippur (23 percent) as most important to them.