"Lily's Room"

This is an article collection between June 2007 and December 2018. Sometimes I add some recent articles too.

Taiping Church !

Not image of Satan but Andre the Giant, 23 December 2011
'The image sprayed on the church is 'Andre the Giant', a creation of Shepard Fairey, the designer who made the famous Obama's 'Hope' poster.'

'Satan', inverted cross sprayed on church
Trumpet Call: The perpetrators of this dastardly act must be pursued and brought to book. This is a warning to all those Umno and Perkasa politicians to be careful about drumming up the imaginary threat of Islam by the Christians. They are playing with fire.

Once the religious sentiments are aroused, it is no more about votes or about their political future. It is about the future and survival of the nation.

Nobody is against the Malay race, Malay religion or the Malay royalty. So why the rhetoric?

Mob1900: The image sprayed on the Taiping church is 'Andre the Giant', a creation of Shepard Fairey, the designer who made the famous US President Barack Obama's 'Hope' poster.

The other spray-paint job is probably the culprit's poor attempt at putting on a signature. The work of amateurs who don't know its significance and who could only afford one can of black paint?

The hate has probably risen from fiery 'religious' sermons.

Think: The graffiti image is of the World Wrestling Federation ex-wrestler, Andre the Giant, and MOTH is probably some black metal band these kids dig and they want to show their allegiance to it by seeking some thrill from vandalising a church with paint.

It's just kids being kids - a phase that we all go through in life in some form or another. Repainting would suffice.

David Dass: What causes someone to vandalise a church that acknowledges the one living God? What causes someone to paint an inverted cross - which is the symbol of Satan and devil worship?

Christians do not worship the devil. Christians worship God and spend a lifetime resisting the works of the devil. And these include anger and hate and violence and the threat of violence.

Jesus Christ, when asked to summarise his teaching, said - Love thy God with all thy strength and might, and love thy neighbour as thyself. Christians emphasise God's love for mankind. Christianity teaches tolerance, respect and forgiveness.

Desecration of a place of worship is unchristian. It is the work of the devil. The police should investigate this act of vandalism and bring the culprits to book.
No one should speculate on who the culprits are until the police have completed their investigation. There are mischievous elements who want to sow the seeds of discord. Do not fall for their game.

1MalaysiaCina: It is true that vandalism is a minor offence in law. But if we do not nip the problem at its bud, people will start to carry cow's heads to protest and send birthday cakes shaped like excrement to the Penang CM.

Non-Muslims seem to be very tolerant here in Malaysia. If similar things happen to the majority race, Perkasa will be up in arms. Malaysia Boleh - all men are born equal and some are more equal than others.

Cheong Sai Fah: The vandal's act and those behind the act are despicable. Being Christians, they should not react inappropriately. Perhaps ‘turning the other cheek' may be a better response. Who has seen Satan to know that it is his image?

Darth Vader: Vandalism is a minor crime but thanks to Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming, it will be blown out of proportion and manipulated for his political mileage.

He does not understand the meaning of turning the other cheek - perhaps he has not read the Bible up to the part yet. Too busy scoring political points.

Anonymous: Yes, Nga should just shut up and stop issuing statements that could further jeopardise racial and religious harmony. Some politicians just don't seem to think before making statements.

Mambo: The church should not, and must not, invite these politicians to make statements on their behalf. Politics and church must be kept separate.

Anonymous_4196: I smell that as the election is drawing close, certain quarters are going all out to create chaos for their own gain, sacrificing peace and the nation.

Just like the May 13 incident, these devils wanted an excuse to declare a state of emergency and hang on to power. But the thing is they are bring the fight to God. I doubt they can win this time.

Onyourtoes: I don't blame the person/s who did it. I blame the instigators, the bigots and the fascists who continuously poison the minds of gullible Malaysians into such an act.

Disgusted: Let's not be quick to blame any party or religion for the vandalism until firm evidence is obtained as to who did it. Let's not be too quick to start another bout of religious conflict over this, like the torching of churches.

The police should get on this and solve it quickly before it gets out of hand. It could be the work of petty vandals and not any political parties or religious groups.

Stay cool everyone, especially the politicians. It is the Christmas season of peace and goodwill. Merry Christmas!

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