"Lily's Room"

This is an article collection between June 2007 and December 2018. Sometimes I add some recent articles too.

Vatican and PM Najib (1)

Malaysiakini (http://www.malaysiakini.com)
Not right for archbishop to go to Vatican with PM, 12 July 2011

‘If Archbishop Murphy Pakiam does go, he will cause sorrow and disappointment among the Christians of Malaysia.'

Bishop's place in Najib's team to Vatican unseemly

Docs: As a Catholic, I am of the strong opinion that Archbishop Murphy Pakiam should not accompany PM Najib Razak to the Vatican to meet the Pope. Najib has and continues to persecute the Christians here in Malaysia for political gains.

Yes, the Vatican may have invited Najib to the Vatican to extend diplomatic ties with Malaysia, but any able-minded Malaysian knows that Najib is using this papal meeting opportunity to prop up Umno/BN's sagging image among Christian voters.

Therefore, Najib is not sincere with the Pope's extension of an olive branch. A head of state not accompanied by the head of the Church in that country to meet the Pope will give a clear message to the Pope that this PM is not to be trusted.

Anyhow, I am sure that the Pope is well-briefed of PM Najib, Umno and their anti-Christian activities in Malaysia as the Church here would have informed the Vatican of the persecutions Christian Malaysians face at the hands of Umno.

If Najib is hoping that a photo opportunity with Pope Benedict will make all the Catholics and Christians in Malaysia instant BN voters/supporters overnight, he is sorely mistaken.

Steven For Malaysia: Archbishop Murphy Pakiam, please do not get involved with the hypocrite Najib. Worse, helping him to gain fame with Vatican. The PM is a 'wolf' in sheep skin. He is good in twisting his tongue when talking to different group of people.

Fiat Justitia, Ruat Caelum: I feel it will be very inappropriate for Archbishop Murphy Pakiam to accompany the PM on this trip. If he does go, he will cause sorrow and disappointment among the Christians of Malaysia.

Anonymous_3de1: Pakiam is literally 'offering the other cheek'. PM Najib is insidiously using him, as head of the largest Christian sect in Malaysia, to endorse his regime's callous mistreatment of other religions, and hopefully hoodwink Pakiam's flock to vote for Umno/BN in the next general election.

With the Allah issue unresolved, the confiscation and defacement of Bibles and the ludicrous allegation that the Christians are harbouring ambitions to turn this country into a Christian one, Pakiam is so naive as to usher a barefaced racist and oppressor of other faiths for an audience with His Holiness.

Don't forget, Pius XII looked the way when the Nazis were butchering the innocent under Hitler. Dear brethren in Christ, let us pray for our 'lost' shepherd.

Hisham denies police brutality, warns media

Confused: All the recordings are on YouTube. We do not have to wait for the police to show the recordings. Can someone please teach Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein how to use the Internet?

And also give him a new pair of glasses and teach him how to count how many demonstrated that day.

May87: Then tell me why Hisham, in the midst of when I was suffocating, gasping for air and had trouble breathing after the tear gas, a group of police came to threaten me with arrest if I didn't budge. And the paramedics had to plead for me?

Phra Ong Chao: It's Hisham's words against hundreds of video footage and photographic evidence.

Stories: I was there when the Federal Reserve Unit sprayed Tung Shin Hospital grounds with chemical-laced water and shot tear gas in there. I saw it all.

You are not very credible, my dear fellow. Perhaps you should write fairy tales for children where you can use your imagination. I am ashamed for you, being a trained lawyer at that. Did they teach you to lie?

GO4CHANGE: Hisham and the IGP "yang tak tahu kira", go watch these videos before you comment. The rakyat will not be fooled.

Anonymous: YouTube videos of the rally show several plainclothes police officers continuing to kick a protestor even after he was motionless. Is that not brutality?

Keturunan Malaysia: Hisham, request the video clips shown on Astro Channel 513 by Al-Jazeera, which showed a man was kneeling when he was kicked and hit by police officers.

This was among many other instances of rough manhandling, slapping and hitting by your police. As one news reporter in the same channel said, "You can kill the media but you cannot kill the news."

Anonymous_4196: You have been misinformed, home minister. Have you not seen any foreign media reports and YouTube videos. At the end of the day, it is your integrity that is damaged. Don't you feel embarrassed?

AnakPinang: When it comes to one recording supposedly of Anwar Ibrahim by a shady character the likes of Sharzryl Eskay Abdullah and Rahim Tamby Chik, the BN upholds it as truth.

But when there are hundreds of images and videos by many witnesses, they say these are lies. Enough of this, Mr Home Minister. Grow a spine and do the job we're paying you for.

Anak Watan: Wahai anak-anak Malaysia, bukti yang di maksudkan oleh Hishammuddin belum lagi boleh diterbitkan sebab masih dalam penyuntingan. Kena ada 'special effect' sikit. Macam anggota polis (termasuk FRU) dipukul oleh wanita-wanita dan kanak-kanak.

Itu pasal anggota polis berbalas. Video YouTube tak penting, sebab ia semata-mata bohong dan fitnah.. Itu pasal Hishammuddin minta Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM/MACC) dan Rais Yatim siasat.

Concerned Citizen: Seriously Hisham, do you have access to YouTube? How come you don't want to reconcile the claims with the video recordings seen on YouTube? You went to the police at Bukit Aman to commend to police for following your script?

You say the number of protesters was less than 10,000? Are your estimates from visual recordings more accurate than the BBC and Al-Jazeera's reporters who were there, dodging tear gas and water cannon?

If so, how about removing all road blocks and see how many will turn up?

・The above is a selection of comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers. Only paying subscribers can post comments. Over the past one year, Malaysiakinians have posted over 100,000 comments. Join the Malaysiakini community and help set the news agenda. Subscribe now.(End)