"Lily's Room"

This is an article collection between June 2007 and December 2018. Sometimes I add some recent articles too.

Church in Penang

Union of Catholic Asian Newshttp://www.ucanews.com/2010/12/08/church-backs-malaysias-first-youth-parliament/
Church backs Youth Parliament in Penang , 8 December 2010
The Church in Penang has lent its support to the first-ever Youth Parliament held in Malaysia.
Parliament chaired by Penang State Assembly speaker Abdul Halim Hussain aimed to conscientize young people on social issues affecting them and to promote democracy and justice.
Twenty-nine college and university students from various organizations and political parties took part in the event, which passed six resolutions covering the political, social and education fields.
“The Youth Parliament is not about us the organizers, NGOs or political parties but about the youths themselves,” said Liew Man Lee, an officer of the Campus Ministry of Penang Catholic diocese.“Catholic youths have to realize that it’s their duty to be aware of social issues and to speak out to promote democracy, justice and a fair society for everyone,” she added.
The Youth Parliament gave an opportunity to young people to stand up and speak their thoughts, she said.
The campus ministry team joined the human rights organization Suaram and the Coalition of Good Governance Penang in organizing the event held at the Penang Town Hall.
Catholic activist Angeline Shannan praised local parishes and churches for helping publicize the event.
“Youths, especially those do not have much exposure other than school or university life, have a lot to learn about the country and the world,” she said.
It is important for youths as well as older Catholics to understand how Christianity applies in daily life,” she continued.
“Jesus did not live a life isolated from the world. He actually interacted with the world especially with the poor, and the outcasts,” she said.
The six resolutions passed will be presented to the Penang state government.
They included a call for the voting age to be reduced to 18 years old, free university education for “deserving students” and interest-free loans.
Another resolution called for easy access to funds and venues for youth organizations involved in social and humanitarian works.
State Assembly Speaker Abdul Halim told a press conference that the Youth Parliament was a good platform for youths’ voices to be heard, especially on issues that may be missed by legislators.