"Lily's Room"

This is an article collection between June 2007 and December 2018. Sometimes I add some recent articles too.

A letter from the CFM

Soulcare” (http://blog.soulcare.net)
How does a Malay-speaking Christian say God? , 23 April 2008

A letter from the Christian Federation of Malaysia:

Dear friends,

This is to inform you of the following:

The Minister for Internal Security issued a Publication Permit dated 12th February 2008 for the period 1st January 2008 until 31st December 2008 to the Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, the Publisher of the HERALD--The Catholic Weekly stating that the Publication Permit is subject to a Garis Panduan Penerbitan which prohibits the Publisher from using the word ALLAH in the HERALD--The Catholic Weekly.

The decision of the Minister for Internal Security was unacceptable and on 19th March 2008, an Application for Judicial Review was filed in the Kuala Lumpur High Court to challenge the decision of the Minister. The first state of the Application for Judicial Review i.e. to seek leave or permission to proceed is fixed for hearing at 9.00am on 25th April 2008.

Archbishop Murphy Pakiam will be in the High Court for the hearing. Kindly make this known to your parishioners and pray for the intention of the Archbishop and other Bishops on this matter.

A sample prayer for the Prayers of the Faithful

We pray that the High Court in honouring the rights of all citizens of Malaysia will uphold the Constitutional Rights of Christians to use the word ALLAH in all Christian Publications like the Malay Bible or Al-Kitab, the Malay Prayer books, our Catechism books for children, our Malay Mass books and even in our weekly publication HERALD. We pray to the Lord.
