"Lily's Room"

This is an article collection between June 2007 and December 2018. Sometimes I add some recent articles too.

Letters from religious leaders

1. CCM homepage (http://www.ccmalaysia.org)


Kami, Ahli Jawatan Kuasa Hal Ehwal Bumiputra Indigenous (HEBI) satu komuniti bagi penganut agama kristian pribumi seMalaysia di bawah payung Council of Churches of Malaysia (CCM), ingin meluahkan isi hati kami mengenai larangan pihak kerajaan terhadap penggunaan beberapa istilah, baik secara lisan mahupun tulisan.

Sebelum Sabah dan Sarawak, atau lebih dikenali pada masa itu sebagai Borneo Utara mencapai kemerdekaan bergabung dengan Malaysia pada tahun 1963, agama kristian telah dianuti oleh kebanyakaan kaum pribumi. Selain menggunakan bahasa ibunda mereka dalam upacara keagamaan, bahasa Malaysia juga digunakan secara meluas. Maka itu bolehlah dikatakan bahawa penganut agama kristian di Sabah dan Sarawak telah lama menggunkan bahasa Malaysia.

Sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang bertanggungjawab, maka barulah kita menunaikan seruan seruan kerajaan untuk memartabatkan bahasa Malaysia dalam kehidupan dan urusan harian. Dengan demikian kami penganut agama kristian menyahut seruan tersebut sehingga bahasa Malaysia digunakan dalam kehidupan harian termasuk upaca penyenbahan. Dengan itu, kerajaan Malaysia seharusnya merasa bangga kerana matlamat kerajaan tercapai.

Bahasa Malaysia adalah bahasa kebangsaan yang digunakan oeh semua rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum dan agama. Maka itu setiap rakyat Malaysia mempunyai hak yang sama. Dengan itu seharusnya tiada sekatan terhadap kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia menggunkannya termasuk dalam upacara keagamaan masing-masing.

Bahasa Malaysia meresap dalam kehidupan rakyat Malaysia. Ia adalah bahasa yang paling dekat dengan hati seluruh rakyat Malaysia kerana sistem pendidikan menekankan kepentingan bahasa tersebut. Apabila kita ingin meluahkan isi hati kita menggunkan bahasa yang paling kita kuasai. Demikian juga dalam upacara keagamaan. Bagi kami, tiada bahasa yang kami lebih fasih selain daripada bahasa Malaysia. Dengan bahasa inilah kami dapat menyembah Tuhan kami dengan lebih baik.
Dengan sebab-sebab yang tercacat diatas, maka kami ingin memaklumkan kepada pihak kerajaan bahawa kami akan terus menggunakan bahasa Malaysia, bahasa kita, bahasa semua kaum, baik dalam bentuk lisan mahupun tulisan untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab kami sebagai umat kristian.

Sekian terima kasih.

Rev. Hannock Wong(Pengerusi HEBI)
Pastor Juraya Masandu(Setiausaha HEBI)
Rev. Bah Saha(Bendahari HEBI)
Rev. Trevor Tinda(Ahli HEBI)
Rev. Asson Ullie(Ahli HEBI)
Rev. Doding Rito(Ahli HEBI)
Rev. Markus Sigar(Ahli HEBI)

Dated: 25th February 2008

2. CCM Newslink (March 2008, p.2)

Letter of solidarity from Phillipines(sic)

We have read your statement about the confiscation of Bibles in the hand of a Christian returning home from the Philippines.
The National Council of Churches in the Philippines supports the tenor of the statement of the CCM following the incident. We are one with the Christians and churches in Malaysia in deploring the incident as it violates the free exercise of one’s faith. The confiscation of Bibles, or any sacred text for that matter and wherever it occurs, is contrary to what religions teach, of allowing prople opportunities to deepen their faith in God and living out that faith in order that the earth may attain to the fullest of the Divine will.
We pray that the CCM will remain steadfast in its vocation! We pray that the Spirit will inspire you all in the promotion of the mutual respect of human rignts especially in the free exercise of one’s religious beliefs.

REX RB REYES,JR.(General Secretary) National Council of Churches in the Philippines

Dated: 6th February 2008

3. Malaysiakini.com (http://www.malaysiakini.com)
For god's sake, vote carefully, 27 February 2008
by Datuk A Vathilingam et al
As the nation goes to the polls, the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) calls upon all concerned Malaysians especially our own Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Sikh and Taoist communities to say special prayers in these critical time in the life of the nation.

During this time let us pray that candidates for the general elections will:
・live up to the common religious values which constitute the moral underpinning of the nation
・undertake to serve all of their constituents if elected
・campaign with goodwill and harmony founded on mutual respect, understanding, consultation and dialogue
・strive to ensure greater national unity founded on the protection of the fundamental liberties and human rights of all Malaysians with justice and fairness for all

MCCBCHST calls on all Malaysians to:
・invest time and energy to fulfil their responsibilities as citizens and be at their respective polling stations to be able to cast their votes
・study the elections manifestos of all contesting parties and candidates with discernment
・cast their votes wisely without fear or favour according to their own conscience
・be mindful of and to impress upon the candidates the critical issues of our national life including the following:

1. The judiciary and the police force must be independent in carrying out their constitutional duties.
2. The constitutional guarantees of religious freedom have been badly infringed upon over the years and in recent times despite numerous meetings which religious bodies such as the Malaysian
Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism have been having with the authorities at the highest levels of government. Therefore,

・The sincerity of verbal assurances by the authorities must be demonstrated by actual implementation so that every bona fide religious community can fulfil their respective religious obligation.
・Arbitrary actions in blatant contravention of the constitutional guarantees of religious freedom must stop.
・No religious community should be subjected or forced to conform to the religious rules of another religion. Religious freedom is the very essence of justice and fair play and forms the very foundation of any great democratic nation. National unity and integration will be adversely affected if no proper regard is given to matters of religious freedom. A 50-year old independent nation should rightly be expected to get its act together in regard to this.

3. The federal constitution’s integrity should be protected so that it will not lose its position as the guarantor of the rule of law and the people’s interest.

4. The parliamentary democracy system of the nation is premised on the respective roles played by the ruling party and the loyal opposition. Both are needed to ensure that democratic principles and dynamics are alive for the good of the country providing the necessary checks and balances one to the other spurring the nation to greater standards of transparency and progress.
The religious communities within MCCBCHST are in earnest prayer that whichever side wins or loses in the coming electoral exercise, may the people of Malaysia be the real winners when their concerns and aspirations will be addressed and resolved and election promises are kept to the benefit of all.
May our country be blessed with justice, peace, national unity and prosperity!

This letter was signed by MCCBHST President Datuk A Vaithilingam, Deputy President Bishop Dr Paul Tan, SJ, Vice-Presidents Venerable Ming Ji, Sardar Harcharan Singh and Mr B Tan and Honorary Secretary Mr SO Paramsothi
